Astronomy 129-003 & 004: Astronomy I

Fall 2011 Exams

  1. Exam #1 (21 Sep; in-class): Study Guide

    Results: A> 85; A-/B+= 75-85 ; B= 65-75; C= 55-65; D= 45-55
    Median Score: 61 ; High Score: 88
    Worst 5: 27, 31,33, 38, 46

  2. Exam #2 (24 Oct; in-class): Study Guide

    Results: A> 85; A-/B+= 75-85 ; B= 65-75; C= 55-65; D= 45-55
    Median Score: 66 ; High Score: 96
    Worst 5: 5, 14, 17, 29, 35

  3. Exam #3 (30 Nov; in-class): Study Guide

    Results: A> 85; A-/B+= 75-85 ; B= 65-75; C= 55-65; D= 45-55
    Median Score: 72; High Score: 92
    Worst 5: 1, 21, 32, 44, 47

  4. Final Exam (14 Dec; 7:30-10:30 PM): Study Guide

    Results: Median Score: ; High Score:

The lowest of the 4 exam scores will not be included in the calculation of your final grade, but you MUST TAKE ALL 3 mid-term EXAMS! If you take the final, the lowest of the 4 scores will be dropped (the letter grades I will give you are advisory; the score is what is used to calculate your final grade). If you are happy with your average score from the 3 mid-terms, you do not have to take the final.