Physics 413 Assignments

(Spring 2005)

Reading Assignments:

  1. Recommended background for orbital mechanics: Harwit 3-1 to 3-5; Carroll and Ostlie Chapter 2.

  2. Nature paper on Milky Way center.

  3. ApJ paper on Milky Way center.

  4. Handout exerpt from Chapter 1 of Shore's "Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics".

  5. Derivation of Planckian distribution in Chapter 1 of Rybicki and Lightman.

  6. Handout entitled "Where does the Boltzman factor come from?"

  7. During spring break: Chapter 1 of Rybicki and Lightman.

  8. Rutten book (Chapter 2) (get a copy on-line).


  1. (18 Jan 05) : Diagnostic Quiz

  2. (1 Feb): Problem Set #1: Orbital Mechanics

  3. (7 Feb): Problem Set #2: Gravitational Potential

  4. (17 Feb): Problem Set #3: Statistical Mechanics

  5. (1 March): Problem Set #4: TE Distributions

  6. (17 March): Redo problems 1, 3, and 4 from Exam #1. For problem 3, just break it into collisions involving an atom; particle collisions and photon collisions. You can ignore electron cascading, free-free processes, etc.

  7. Rybicki & Lightman Problem 1.10.

  8. Turn in a write up based on your presentation. Include a copy of the scientific paper that you used as an example.

  9. (25 April): Problem Set #7: Plasma Parameters